
…and only what Jordan thinks.

Abortion… July 17, 2011


Did you know, that there are about 3,700 abortions per day? Shocking fact, huh?

Teenagers and young adults make up most of the percentage of women who get abortions. Why? Because they think that having their child will completely ruin their life. Will it? Probably not. There’s this little thing I’d like to call… Adoption.

Women (teens especially) think that if they just get an abortion, that they can get rid of the “problem” and never have to worry about it ever again. -False, women who have an abortion usually experience PAS (Post Abortion Stress Syndrome). There are also a lot of complications associated with abortion:

  • Bladder issues
  • Bowel issues
  • Breast Cancer
  • Ectopic Pregnancies
  • Failed abortion
  • Hemorrhage
  • Hepatitis
  • Infection
  • Laceration of the Cervix
  • Increased chance of miscarriages later
  • Perforation of Uterus
  • Placenta Previa
  • Retained products of conception
  • RH Incompatibility
  • Severe, Rapid Bleeding
  • Sterility

If those aren’t enough scary post-abortion effects, then I don’t know what would be. There are about 5,000-10,000 women that die each year from abortions. You may be wondering, what from? Well, women that die from abortion usually die from infection, hemorrhage, and uterine perforation. Scary, right?

Like I previously stated, there is another alternative to abortion, adoption. If you are deciding on whether or not to have an abortion, think about a family out there in the world that wants a baby so bad, and they can’t have on of their own. Now, wouldn’t they love to have your baby? Chances are, yes.

Ladies out there that are pregnant and considering abortion, please rethink what you’re doing. Don’t be selfish and get rid of this baby because you don’t want YOUR life ruined, think of the baby first. If you have a husband/boyfriend or whatever you may call him, pressuring you about having an abortion tell him what YOU want and don’t be afraid. If he doesn’t support your decision, then he’s not that great anyway. Let him know that you CAN put your baby up for adoption for some other have to have and love, you HAVE options and abortion isn’t one of them.

Some people refuse to accept this statement but, life starts at the moment of conception. Aborting a child is murder, no matter what. The definition of an abortion is “the termination of a human fetus” thus, killing a human being. Is this any different than murdering any other human being? No, it’s not. If you’re bored reading so far, don’t stop! Because below I have video of abortions that is very graphic that you may just want to watch!

In my opinion, there are only 2 reasons why someone should EVER get an abortion. Those two reasons are:

  1. The developing baby has a birth defect or a genetic problem that would cause a lot of issues in the future.
  2. The pregnancy is harmful to the mother’s health.

ONLY reasons why anyone should EVER get an abortion. Women can get an abortion up to about 6-7 months (23-31 weeks), which is ridiculous. When a baby is developing in this stage they are about 2-3 pounds, they have a strong grip, they can open and close their eyes, they have developed eyelashes and eyebrows, and they can hiccup and swallow. At this point, if the baby would have to be born early (premature), they would probably be able to survive with intensive care. WHAT!? They could SURVIVE!? Yes, and to think that you could KILL a baby at this point? Disgusting.

Below, I have a link of a video that shows abortions and it is VERY GRAPHIC! When I first watched this, my stomach was churning and I was in tears. It saddens me to think how anyone could ever do this to their child. What if that child actually was born? You never know what their future was going to hold. They could be the next president of the US. Who knows? Watchign this video may just change your whole perspective of abortion.

Thanks so much for reading and I hope you all liked! – Please let me know what you think on the “What You Think” section of my blog! (:

This is an Abortion! – Warning Very Graphic – Video – Catholic Online.


Casey Anthony Case… July 13, 2011

Getting away with murder or just simply an accident covered up?

RIP, Caylee


Some of you all may have followed the Casey Anthony case from the beginning, but I haven’t had the chance to do that. Instead, I’ve watched the recent trials and done my research on Investigation Discovery.

Honestly, I have no idea what was going through the jurors’ and judge’s heads during all the trials. I mean, were they so overcome with emotions that they didn’t even bother to admit the cold hard facts? Seriously, all the evidence was RIGHT THERE in front of their faces. DNA evidence, how can you NOT believe that? A scientist even scanned the back of Casey’s car and chloroform showed up, and apparently it has no connection to Casey’s home computer having Google searches of “How to make Chloroform” and “How to break someone’s neck”. There was also some type or rare duct tape in Casey’s garage that was found at the crime scene, coincidence? I think not.

Some say that they’re glad Casey didn’t get the death sentence because she’ll be paying the price for the rest of her life, I believe different. She MURDERED HER OWN CHILD for crying out loud, she’s happy she can finally go out and do whatever the heck she wants and not have to worry about bringing her “snot head” everywhere as she stated in an IM between her and NYITALIANO3. I wish they had a death sentence that was slow and painful, so that people like this could experience what the people they killed went through, instead of taking the easy way out and actually have a second chance at life.

Poor Caylee, she never did anything to deserve this, she was absolutely adorable and why anyone would ever want to hurt a child like this beats me. It’s not like Casey was so stressed out and caught up with work and Caylee that she HAD to kill her daughter, she could have gotten help, there are places and people to talk to about those kinds of things. I guess Casey thought this was an easy way out; making murder of her 2 year old daughter look like an “accident”. Really, what mother goes out and parties for a whole month when they know that their daughter is missing? That’s right, a mother that killed her own daughter, that’s who. I know if I were a mother, I would be spending every single second of everyday looking for my child, I would report the child missing AS SOON as I even had a thought that he/she were missing. I would not just go out and party knowing that my child was missing.

I don’t know what’s wrong with our system these days, but I think we really need to get it together and make FACTS a priority instead of our EMOTIONS, because if we keep on like this, Lord knows who’s going to get away with what. I know that in God’s eyes, Casey is a murderer and that’s all that matters when it comes down to it. RIP, Caylee
